ALDIC is a place of cooperation, exchange and initiatives, whose mission is to serve the general interest. ALDIC is willing to be a T-junction between taxpayers, the Treasury and economic players. Its main objectives are:
- To promote tax ethics as a key factor in informing citizens and taxpayers to encourage them to fulfill their obligations and protect their rights.
- To support communication and interaction means between citizens and the tax administration in order to contribute to the establishment of an area of ongoing dialogue (forum) where ALDIC would be able to play the role of mediator if needed.
- To promote ideas and projects for better governance, ensuring Lebanese citizens and residents a fair redistribution of resources, efficient public services, and a competitive economy.
- To call for the modernization of both the Lebanese institutions and the existing legal framework as well as to the establishment of structures that permit a better control of the management of public funds and a protection against all forms of misappropriation or misuse of power.