MoF decision #722-1 dated 11 July 2024-Tax penalties reductions (1)

MoF has issued on the 22nd March 2024 two Memos #590-1 and #591-1

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has issued on the 22nd March 2024 two Memos #590-1 and #591-1 setting in place the mechanism to declare and settle fiscal stamp duties till the 31st December 2024 due to the shortage of sticker stamps in the market. Taxpayers should declare these fiscal stamps on paper forms (available here under) within 15 days following the month where these fiscal stamps were due through LibanPost and pay the related dues through commercial banks, money transfer companies, or LibanPost.

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MoF decision #722-1 dated 11 July 2024-Tax penalties reductions (1)

MoF decision # 293/1 dated 20 July 2020

We hereby remind you of the requirements set in the Ministry of Finance (MoF) decision # 293/1 dated 20 July 2020 in relation with the payment by your companies of services to residents of contracting states that Lebanon has a Double Tax Treaty with such as France, Cyprus or the UAE (list of the Double Tax Treaties signed by Lebanon attached).  

According to this MoF decision and in order to benefit from the provisions of Double Tax Treaties (DTT)Lebanese taxpayers contracting with parties residing in a country which Lebanon has concluded a DTT with, should submit to the tax authorities the following documents:

1)      A tax residency certificate from the other contracting state’s tax authorities for the contracting party;

2)      Commitment letter from the other party that it does not carry-on business in Lebanon in which the revenues arise, through a permanent establishment situated therein.

3)      A separate letter which should include the other party’s name and its country of residency, as well as the nature of relationship between the Company and this other party. Also, the letter should include the tax treatment the company is undergoing with respect to the amounts paid to that foreign party. The above-mentioned documents should be attached to the letter which should be sent to the tax authorities within 1 month from the date of establishing the relationship.

In case of subsequent change to the information presented above, another letter should be sent to the tax authorities to inform them about these changes before 31 January of the next year.

The tax treatment of contractual obligations with parties residing in a country which Lebanon has concluded a DTT may defer from a country to another according to the provisions of the DTT.

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MoF decision #722-1 dated 11 July 2024-Tax penalties reductions (1)

NSSF Law #319

Law #319 dated 22nd December 2023 published in the Official Gazette #53 dated 28 December 2023 (attached a scanned copy) has made major changes to the NSSF law and set a new Retirement and Social protection regime. This Law will only be applicable upon the issuance of the related application decrees. We have attached a memo prepared by the NSSF to answer the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on this new Retirement regime.
MoF decision #722-1 dated 11 July 2024-Tax penalties reductions (1)

موازنة 2024 بتعديلاتها ونتائجها وما بعدها من إصلاحات مرتقبة

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Rappel des principaux concepts et principes du budget de l’État, suivis par un aperçu synthétique des mesures adoptées par le budget 2024, pour conclure par des propositions de réforme.

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MoF decision #722-1 dated 11 July 2024-Tax penalties reductions (1)

Tax Reforms for Lebanon

In the wake of Lebanon’s economic challenges, implementing effective tax reforms has emerged as a critical component of any recovery plan. Prioritizing fiscal objectives is essential, with a focus on bringing down the current account deficit and achieving debt and financial sustainability. However, any tax reform must be approached cautiously to avoid undermining efforts to revive the national economy and finance sustainable development.

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